Original Web Comic Created By Caitie Graham & Tony Pham
How many times can you push yourself over the edge...before the edge starts pushing back? Fig is working at the brink of burnout; juggling a million jobs and her dream of becoming a professional artist. For someone who gets on average around 4hrs of sleep a night, she's been okay at keeping her cool! But when supernatural events start happening all around her...she starts to wonder if something isn't terribly wrong...

Caitie and Tony are a writer-illustrator duo who like to make fun things together. Since meeting on a professional networking site in early 2022 (bleh! networking!), they’ve developed animated projects, and digital content for kids, all from their respective homes in Toronto, and Arizona. Figures is their first ever adult comic, and their first time sharing their work together on the internet. How fun and scary!

Caitie Graham:
Caitie is a writer and developmental editor based in Toronto with a background in theatre (yes, that’s theatre with an “re”; she’s Canadian). When the live performance sector was forced to shut down during the pandemic, Caitie turned to animation and comics for a source of joy and inspiration. And despite not being able to draw for her LIFE, she’s been obsessed with the industry ever since. Figures is Caitie’s first foray into comic writing, and she’s excited to be teaming up with Tony to bring it to life.

Tony Pham:
Tony is a visual designer with skills ranging from illustrations to 3D animation. He is based out in the hot deserts of Arizona! They don't call it "The Valley of Sun" for no reason, it's HOT out here! With an appetite for new challenges, Tony enjoys creating animations from short films to full-on series. To do it, he needed some extra storytelling power. In comes Caitie! The two team up to create their first-ever webcomic, Figures!
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